
Appointments Inc. was a division of CINC and provided an initial contact and follow-up service to registered clients. The software helped the client service team keep track of who they were calling for, who they were speaking to, and provided relevant snapshot info to help them connect agents with buyers and sellers.


The initial release of the dashboard was built solely by the dev team with little focus on UI and experience. The client service team found it frustrating, confusing, and laborious to use. There was much unnecessary scrolling and tasks often required many steps to complete.


We initially sat down with several members of the CS team, representing all levels, and discussed what was working, and what needed improvement. We went through several initial sketch iterations with the team and eventually worked out wireframes to best utilize screen real estate and make key actions simpler to complete.


We provided the dev team with a responsive, static HTML site based on feedback and continued to observe and iterate as new issues arose.

Initial UI layout based on discovery and feedback

Initial UI layout based on discovery and feedback

Initial UI layout based on discovery and feedback

Early sketches and data based on interviews and discussions with Appointments Inc. team

Initial UI layout based on discovery and feedback

The result of the first client meeting, which helped to start the process of meeting the need in a creative and functional way

Initial UI layout based on discovery and feedback

Initial UI layout based on discovery and feedback

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